Groups provide a way for users to easily track and communicate distinct groups of students. 

Note: Video shows old Inspire dashboard. 

1. Navigate to Groups

Navigate to the Groups tab by 1) clicking "View Groups" in the Quick Actions tile on the Inspire dashboard home or 2) from the left-hand navigation bar by clicking Students and then Student Groups.

2. Create a New Group

After navigating to the Groups tab, you will see a list of any custom groups you have already created. To create a new group, click the button labeled Create Group to begin selecting group criteria. 

3. Choose a Group Type

Choose a type of Group to create. Dynamic Groups are updated automatically when a student either meets or no longer meets the criteria selected. Static Groups are manually managed groups in which you manually add or subtract students from the group.  

Option 1: Creating a Dynamic Group

1. Create a Dynamic Group by selecting criteria. Group members will be either added or removed to this group by the system based on the selected criteria.  

  1. Choose a name for the Group. 
  2. Toggle between including all students in your Group or limiting a Group to students who are assigned to you.
  3. Choose Active or Inactive student status
  4. Segment by Persistence Prediction
  5. Find students based on their Weekly Change in Persistence Prediction

2. Below the persistence information, 7 categories of filters are available to filter for distinct groups of students. It is important to note that Inspire filters operate using “and” logic, meaning that students will only appear in the results if they meet ALL selected criteria. 

3. After you have created a group, a redirection notice will pop up instructing you to see your new group on the Groups page.  

4. On the Groups page, your new group should now appear in the My Custom Groups list. To see the list of students who belong to that group, simply click the group name. 

To share your group with others on campus, click the padlock icon next to the number of members. This will prompt a message asking you to confirm that you'd like to share the group with the listed members. Click confirm to share the group or cancel to keep the group private.

5. When viewing the group details, you can do several things to customize, view, and/or contact the list of students:

  1. In the left navigation, you can add or remove additional columns of student information. 
  2. Upon adding/removing columns, you can save the column settings for the group, by clicking the ACTIONS button and selecting Save Columns/Filters. You can also go back and edit the selected criteria by selecting Edit Group Criteria from the ACTIONS dropdown. 
  3. You can delete the group
  4. You can download the list of students in the group
  5. You can message the group

Option 2: Creating a Static Group

Static groups are groups in which students will be need to be manually added or removed by the user. Create a Static Group by either uploading a list of students or by selecting students by using Inspire criteria. 

Option 1: Create a Group by Uploading a List

To create a Static Group by uploading a list, go to the Groups tab and select Static Group. Next, select Create from uploaded students. Simply find the file from your computer and click Upload List. After processing, the system will take you to the My Custom Groups page, where your new group will be listed. To add student information columns, view, or message the group, follow the step 06 from Creating a Dynamic Group (above).

Option 2: Create a Group by Using Filters

To create a Static Group by using Inspire filters and search criteria, go to the All Students tab in Inspire (either under the Advise tile on the dashboard or from the left-hand navigation bar). 

1. Use the Advanced Search feature to specify the criteria for the group you are creating.

2. After executing an Advanced Search, create the Static Group from the student list results by:  

  1. Selecting the checkboxes next to the listed student names
  2. Clicking Create Group

3. After generating, the system will take you to the My Custom Groups page, where your new group will be listed. For directions on seeing, sharing, communicating with and customizing the student list, see steps 4 and 5 under Creating Dynamic Groups (above) 

Viewing a Shared Group

To view a group that has been shared with you, navigate to the Groups tab and toggle to the Groups shared with me filter in the left navigation.