Beneath the Data Insights tile on the dashboard, users can find the Predictive Insights tile. This tile displays the persistence prediction ranges for the selected student population. Persistence prediction is the likelihood of staying enrolled at DU, based on historical data. This information can be used to identify which students need additional outreach and support. 

Please note that at DU, we have a relatively high persistence rate, which is why you'll see that most students have a high persistence prediction.

The persistence categories are defined as follows: 

  • Very low = below 10% chance of persisting 
  • Low = 20% or higher chance of persisting 
  • Moderate = 50% or higher chance of persisting 
  • High = 70% or higher chance of persisting 
  • Very high = 90% or higher chance of persisting

Users can also find weekly changes in persistence predictions in the Predictive Insights tile. Students listed here are active students whose persistence prediction changed 5% or more within the last 7 calendar days. Users can click on the numbers to open a list of students within the selected population that match that persistence prediction change.

Student Engagement

At the bottom of the dashboard, users can find the Student Engagement tile. This  tile counts currently filtered active students who have not had any advising engagement in the last 30 days, and divides them into clickable categories based on their persistence predictions. Engagement is defined as advising action logged in the platform that serves a student, like an email, SMS or an advising note.