Advisors and Counselors from the following units are providing front-line outreach to undergraduate students based on the concerns, suggested student actions, and suggested advisor actions indicated by the faculty member. 

  • Student Athlete Support Services: The Student-Athlete Support Services program focuses on supporting the individual academic needs of our student-athletes on the DU campus. 
  • Learning Effectiveness Program: The Learning Effectiveness Program (LEP) at the University of Denver provides individualized support for neuro diverse learners with Specific Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), students on the Autism Spectrum, and/or students who have a history of learning differences.
  • Academic Advisors: Undergraduate Academic Advising supports all undergraduates in understanding their Common Curriculum requirements and academic policies at DU. Academic Advisors additionally support specific populations of students, including students on academic probation, undeclared students, and students who may benefit from academic coaching. 
  • Academic Program Advisors: Academic Program Advisors are staff advisors housed within the academic units (Daniels College of Business, the Lamont School of Music, and the Korbel School of International Studies) and support students in understanding both their Common Curriculum and Major requirements, as well as providing holistic student support and resources to students in their division. 

The following alert response pathways have been devised to ensure that undergraduate students with multiple advisor types do not receive multiple outreach efforts for the same Alert. For instance, student athletes receive outreach from their athletic advisor. If a student is not a student athlete, but they do have a Learning Effectiveness Program (LEP) Counselor, they will receive outreach from their LEP Counselor. If a student is not an athlete and does not have an LEP Counselor, but they are on Academic Probation, they will receive outreach from a Staff Academic Advisor, and so on.