The Alerts tab in a Student Profile displays any course commendations or alerts that the student has historically received, either in past terms or in the current term. The at-a-glance view of all submitted commendations and/or alerts shows you overarching information, including: 

  1. The student's assigned advisor(s)
  2. The course for which the commendation/alert was submitted
  3. The term during which the commendation/alert was submitted
  4. The type of alert (note: General alerts are currently the only type being used at DU)
  5. The Author of the commendation or alert
  6. The level of the alert (commendation, medium, or high)
  7. Whether the alert has been resolved (note: commendations are not eligible for resolution)
  8. The date that the commendation/alert was submitted
  9. The last date that the commendation/alert was updated with information

To view detailed information about a specific commendation or alert, simply click the line of that commendation/alert and information will expand. Information included in this more detailed view of an individual alert includes: 

  1. The alert level (commendation, medium, or high)
  2. Course concerns (or areas of excellence for commendations) selected by the alert author
  3. Recommended student actions selected by the alert author
  4. Requested advisor actions selected by the alert author
  5. General comments from the alert author aimed at providing advisors with any additional necessary context they may need to know to appropriately respond.
  6. Any uploaded documents or information
  7. Resolution information (if applicable), including the date the alert was resolved, any resolution comments made by the advisor, any private alert notes meant for the alert committee and the name of the advisor who resolved the alert. 

For additional information about Alerts, including outreach guidelines, resolution guidelines, and how to submit an alert, visit the Alerts and Commendations Resources