Advisors who have a documented advising relationship with students can easily view their assigned caseloads in Inspire

There are two ways to access a list of your assigned advising caseloads from the Inspire dashboard. 

1. Click "Students" in the menu on the left-hand side of the dashboard. 

2. Click "Students" in the "Quick Actions" tile on the Inspire dashboard. 

Upon clicking My Assigned Students, students who are considered Active in Inspire will be automatically listed. It is important to note is that Active students are students that are currently taking at least one course in the current, live term. All other students (i.e. any students not enrolled in the current, live term) will fall into the Inactive bucket (note: for more information on Active and Inactive designations, see the Active/Inactive Definitions page). Advisors can easily include all students assigned to them by ensuring that both the Active and Inactive selections are checked. 

From the student list, there are several things you can do. First, you can add or remove additional columns of information by selecting options from the left-hand Add/Remove Columns options.


After you have added all of the student information columns that you need, you can 1) message the students 2) download the list of students or 3) create a group of the selected students. To accomplish these actions, be sure to select the checkbox(es) next to the student(s) for which you'd like to complete the desired action.