All Inspire users should update their contact information and settings, regardless of how much or little they intend to use Inspire. Your contact information is visible to students who have a connection to you through an Inspire role.

Updating User Profile

To update your user profile, hover over the user icon in the top-right corner of the navigation bar at the top of the screen. Select Profile to update your profile picture, contact information, and user biography for the Inspire Directory. 

Note: user email addresses need to be updated in the back-end of the system. To update your email address, submit a support ticket with the updated email address. 

Updating User Settings

You can control your email and calendar preferences in Inspire through your user settings. These settings allow you to control your visibility to students, notifications preferences, synced calendar preferences, and to update your signature for outgoing messages in Inspire.

To update your user settings, hover over the left-hand navigation bar and select Settings (near the bottom - image below). 

Select Settings to select your 1) visibility options 2) notifications preferences 3) synced calendar 

settings and 4) to input your signature.

It is recommended to start with all notifications on until you have used Inspire and understand the system functionality.

Inspire does support a 2-way connection to/from Outlook. In the settings, you can choose how Inspire and Outlook communicate with one another.

Lastly, It is also recommended that you save a signature for both the Announcements and Messages features of Inspire (for Messages at the minimum). This will streamline your outreach efforts. (Note: the signature feature does not have rich text ability to include hyperlinks at this time.)